Chapter 1.3- Vampires

Simis had been avoiding seeing me for days, and boy I have had enough. From cancelling all our plans to even rejecting my phone calls. Do you know what? I am sick of it, I will not stand for being treated like garbage. In this town of Sunset Valley I know no one! Speak to no one but Simis and now he has cut me out his life. I am enraged.
“Hi, I would like to get the address of Mr. S. Bachelor. Yes I got that down thank you.”

When I arrived at his house a wave of uncertainty rushed over me. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. His house was large, it was an older style house but it would have been grand in its day, I always preferred modern houses but I could see myself living here. Why haven’t I been to his house before. He had been to mine plenty of times! I noted that to my list of many questions to get answers for.

I wasn’t expecting what I saw when he came out the house. All the questions I was going to demand answers to left me. My intelligence just seemed to vanish. There I was standing in front of the man I loved with my mouth hanging wide open. He had become a vampire.
“Uh, uhm… Babe?” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Why couldn’t this be a dream. It answered all the questions why he wouldn’t see me. But why couldn’t he at least tell me?

” I have been meaning to tell you, it isn’t exactly the easiest thing to come out and say. I am a vampire Chives. It just has been one of my many issues I’ve been trying to deal with lately.  And well I wasn’t expecting you to turn up at my house, how did you even know where I live? That’s not the point it is probably better you aren’t here in the first place. Can we go back to yours?”

Still numb over the event that just sprang it self on me, I missed most of what he said. He looked nervous, maybe it was because I was standing here still staring at him, but it didn’t feel like that was the case. He was trying hide something from me. So what else would I do, I walked straight past him into his front entrance. I was a tad baffled by the fact a lady seemed to be standing by the door,baffled much like me, but she was probably trying to listen to our conversation. Maybe that is what he was hiding from me.. He lived with his sister! That doesn’t bother me, I wonder why he thought it would. In an instant he was standing in front of me, I would have to get use to the fact of him being a vampire, it wouldn’t be impossible for me to.

“Come on, I’ll drive us back to yours” then he mumbled to his sister, “I’ll be back a bit later, I need to uhm, help my colleague out with her column”
I didn’t see the need for him to lie to his sister about me, maybe he was just nervous and wanted us to meet under different circumstances. I flashed her a smile and said a goodbye as I left. She had the broken look about her, I knew I wouldn’t understand I never had any siblings before.

It was soon to be autumn, the weather was becoming cooler, but for the most part the trees were a bright green. It was the type of weather I loved, it wasn’t so horrid that it was best to stay inside but it wasn’t boiling hot that you were prone to getting burnt. The car ride was rather silent, there was something between us which I couldn’t work out. I began trying to make small talk. I asked how he became… vampire. He shrugged a little, I guess it was still to fresh to talk about. “How come you lied to your sister about me?” 

Simis looked at me speechless, checking to see if I was joking or not. Before I could question him we had arrived at my house.

Once inside there was still the continuing silence. So when we finally embraced one another, I broke down, the tears could no longer be fought back. “How could you leave me. Avoid me for weeks on end, I thought I did something wrong, like I was the problem. But all along it was you.”
“Sweety it’s okay, I am sorry I didn’t mean to upset you like this. I know I haven’t been around much but I am here now!”

After Simis had a brief snack he brought with him, he focused all his undivided attention on me.

Baby, let me go show you a few perks that come with being a vampire” 😉 
I didn’t fight back, why would I? He was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, no matter what. I just knew he would never leave me.

Well I thought he would never leave me. Last I remembered he fell asleep next to me…

I wasn’t overly sure what to do about Simis being vampire.. I hadn’t had a vampire child for a while so I thought why not? My Sims get super hard to find relationships after they have had one love interest *Shakes fist violently at game* There will be a bunch of updates in the next week due to I have to go back to school next week and I have played a bit past Chives child becoming a teen. So I thought it was best to start knocking these bad boys out 🙂 Enjoy.

Chapter 1.2- Inspiration

I woke up feeling a little more positive about my situation. It is not like I could lay around in bed all day; that wouldn’t accomplish anything. I had to get started with my new life. I ducked out the front pleased in finding my newspaper and before any of my new neighbours could catch me in my butt huggers I slipped back inside. Image

I wasn’t quite sure what I was reading, there were no captivating stories, no hard hitting news, it was all quite bland and boring. I skimmed over the job section baring in mind that I had to make a living out of writing, but to be honest I had no idea where to start with my writing. I made a mental note to begin the daunting task of writing after I fixed myself some breakfast. First I needed to work out what was even left in the cupboards.


I found a packet of frozen waffles in the freezer, not bothering to thaw them out i threw them into the oven. After waiting the 15 minutes as directed by the instructions on the packet my waffles were done. I wasn’t expecting greatness from my meal but soggy bland waffles didn’t leave me jumping for joy. I made another mental note go food shopping. Still these waffles defiantly did not inspire me to start writing. Although a darling story of a waffle trying to find his mate syrup, leading him to travel all over Serbia to find his good friend. I slapped myself in the head, that was never going to work.Image

I decided to explore Sunset Valley, it would be impossible not to find something to inspire me to write in a town full of buzz.
I had been sitting by the fountain for 15 minutes, I managed to see birds, plenty of them, all being fed by an old lady. Too depressingly boring to write about. I saw a kid who fell over, yep that was interesting for maybe 10 or so seconds until I was glared at from his older sister for laughing at him. Still nothing. Nothing that made we want to shout out loud and sprint home and eagerly start typing away on that stupid old computer. Nothing. This writing business was harder than I first thought.

Feeling defeated I got up and decided to go for a stroll around the park, maybe some exercise is what I needed to get the brain going. I chuckled wasn’t quite sure how exercise would benefit me all it would do is make me want to collapse in my shower. Caught in my own thoughts of being curled up in the shower I managed to bump into Nick Alto. He was a shorty pudgy man who not only looked like Porky the Pig but also had the personality of a pig to go with it.

Nick Alto is the most disgusting, chauvinistic pig that I have ever met. The words that came out his mouth both made me want to punch him square in his nose and run to my mother and start crying. But neither of those were an option, so I ran. I wasn’t familiar of the area where I was heading but anywhere was a better place to be than here with this man.

When I entered the building I was drained mentally over the encounter with Nick and physically over that sprint. Again I chuckled  to  myself, I was right, exercise was not the answer and did leave me wanting to go home and collapse in a heap at the bottom of my shower. But I was here now, not entirely sure where here was, but I was here.


After quick inspection of here surroundings it was safe to say I was at the local gym where knuckle heads, fitness fanatics and over weight people came. It wasn’t my scene so to speak. So I decided a quick lay by the pool would fulfill my desire to rest. Whilst laying there I deliberated what I could do and where she could go. It was late afternoon and still I had no inspiration to speak of. She I sat and pondered. Inspiration, would I find it, who had it and what is made from it. The library I was avoiding due to the recent events there, so I decided it was best no to go. Then it hit me like the bus that hit Regina George on Mean Girls. The Art Gallery, I would certainly find inspiration there!

At the Art Gallery I could feel her skin seeping everything in around her, all the inspiration. I was going to be honest, I didn’t understand all the art pieces but art they were? I knew by the end of her visit here I would have something to write about.

That is when i met him, Simis Bachelor. I felt an attraction towards him, he was never the type of guy I normally went for, but then again I never really went for guys before unless they were the leading men in my books I read. He was mature and groomed. He radiated intelligence. Something sparked inside me, I just had to talk to him, be with him. Have all of him.

He was witty, but so genuine. They spoke together for hours, it was like they were old lovers really. They spoke of everything under the sun, especially art which was only fitting since there were smack bang in the middle of an Art Gallery.

“I am going to be honest with you, I do not one bit understand how that toilet is art! Like I have the exact toilet at home, but I don’t see people wanting to buy it to stick it in there dinning room. ”
“Hahaha, me neither Chives, but if you think about it that is where most great ideas are conceived!”

He is perfect in my eyes, there is no other man on Earth like him.

As we continued to speak the security guard shuffled in “Oh I wasn’t aware people were even here still! I have began locking up! I’ll unlock the main door for you guys to leave, because well you kind of have too hahaha.”

So we said our goodbyes, and promised to see each other soon. But I couldn’t help but notice he looked a tad guilty. But that was rushed out my head as hugged me and said his farewell with a kiss left on my cheek.

In the car ride home I couldn’t help but not think of this man I just met. I wondered where this friendship would go and couldn’t help but dwell on that look she saw in his eye when they were saying goodbye. She didn’t want to imagine was difficulty was going to occur with knowing Simis. Once again her thoughts were interrupted but this time not so negativity  she had arrived home.

The flashing of her monitor screen was hard to miss, I procrastinated all day now she was finally home it was time to begin the novel. Bleh I let out a repulsed yet defeated sound. But the thought of only having 10$ in my name provided that extra motivation for me to start.

Daydreamer, it was the title of my novel. The words seemed to flow aimlessly out of me and on to the screen before my eyes, the little cursor didn’t have time to start flashing! It was past 1am by the time I had submitted the first few chapters.

My bed had never felt so comfortable in my life. But I also couldn’t wait to wake up and go out and see Simis, maybe we could go on a breakfast date! It all seemed so exciting. But it wasn’t long until I fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 1.1 – Unsure

Chives Jardin had always been quite the bookworm. Everyday she found her self at her local library. She had just recently moved to Sunset Valley and thus so far she had liked it. The past few weeks she had been living out of her suitcase in a backpackers lodge, she needed to find a place soon. But with no money to her name it proved difficult, her mother skimmed through life marrying strange men, and after her mothers recent passing away her fourth or fifth step father tossed her to the curb like yesterdays trash.

‘Unsure’ was the title of the book Chives picked up, completely unaware of the contents inside the leather bound book.


Ever since she was eight Chives had the habit to quickly flick through all the pages before she read the book. She wasn’t sure how her habit started but she saw no reason for her to try and stop, after all she didn’t mind the books unique sent wafted into her face. But something bizarre happened, a note fell out the book. Astonished Chives picked the note off the floor, and studied the note. For the first time in years she felt baffled by what she was reading, especially since the note was addressed to her. The note was brief but stated for her to follow the map on the flip side, and at the end she would find what she had been looking for.

As I stood up my knees felt like jelly and my mind was racing over the endless possibilities “what will be there? Is it dangerous? It’s a stupid idea for me to go… what do I have to lose, nothing, so why am I still here?.”  As I started to leave the library I felt like everyone was watching me and my every move. I was highly paranoid unsure of what was ahead. Image

In a slight panic I began to run, I knew my destination a photographic memory came in handy but still I clutched to the piece of paper as I ran up the hill.


I don’t know what I was expecting to find. But humble little house defiantly wasn’t it.
As I walked up the stairs the house seemed untouched. I could see the house was furnished but it looked untouched like no one had lived there. The outside was a little weathered but appeared to be solid. I knocked on the door but nothing shuffled inside, no one was home. A peculiar feeling inside of me made me grab to door knob and  give it a slight twist. With a click the door opened. The house was unlocked.Image


I gazed around, to my left was a quaint lounge area with a vintage television and a desk set up with an old computer box. To the right of the desk area lay a basic kitchen with a two person table plonked across from the counter. The kitchen window was slightly opened allowing the hot summer air flow throughout the house.ImageImage

The computer screen appeared to be blinking so I sat down and clicked the mouse. A document was left on the screen, so as any other person would, I read it. It held the contents on why I was here. My head was spinning as I read the words. Legacy. 10 generations. Build a family. Home. Children. Through love and loss. A new beginning. Everything in this house was mine if I wanted it, and I did. All I had to do was go down to the local beach and there I would be met by a messenger who would give me the rules. In bold it read “Once you get to the beach there is no changing your mind. After sunset if you have not arrived it is taken as a NO. This is your only chance to say YES.” Image

Before I left to go I changed into my swim suit and took my chance of clothes just in case the weather changed, which was unlikely, or if I had to go somewhere else. As I got there I walked down to the waters edge, the water was cool along the bottom of my feet. I turned around to inspect for a possible messenger. No one seemed to catch my eye, but how was I meant to know, how were they meant to know. All of a sudden I felt exposed and bare, I was glad I brought my clothes along with me so I slipped them over my swim suit.Image

That’s when a man caught my eye, he was wearing a blue pinstriped suit. His hair was a dark gray it was clear it used to be jet black as it stilled was flaked throughout. He signaled me over. He greeted me with a formal hand shake, he seemed gruff on closer inspection. His name was Thornton Wolff. He sent chills down my neck, but his smooth talking banished them away. Image

Thornton explained it all to me. Everything in which I needed to know he told me, he was very clear that now I was in I wouldn’t be able to get out. He gave me a set of rules to live by, they were not the kind of rules you would expect to receive. They stated some guidelines of how I was to live, how many children I was going to have. It was weird. He spoke of how each generation the rules would change and either a messenger would deliver them or they would come in the mail, he said it would vary.Image

When he had finished explaining I had so many questions to ask. “What if I have more kids what happens then?” I frantically asked. “If by chance you have more than what is given, such chances as you have twins or triplets, they will not be eligible to become heir or heiress” he flatly answered. I could see he was beginning to get frustrated with me. Still riddled with questions I began to blurt them all out “What if I can’t have kids? What if another generation breaks a rule? What happens if…” Thornton lost it.Image

“If a rule is BROKEN you will be informed of what was WRONG and then what will be the PUNISHMENT. I do not have all night to answer your silly little questions. Go home and figure it out yourself. Read the rules abide the rules continue your life and do NOT contact me again! Am i clear?” He didn’t shout, he wanted to, but he clearly couldn’t make a scene.Image

I nodded. Thornton Wolff said his goodbye and left. I had a feeling I would see him around, but as he said I wasn’t allowed to make contact with him. I was exhausted, it was not the day I expected at all. I walked back down on to the beach looking at the horizon unsure what the future held for me. After half an hour of just standing there thinking I turned around heading back to the house knowing what my past held didn’t matter anymore because now I belonged to something that would never let me return whether I wanted to or not. Image

When I reached back to the house, which I figure is now my home, I rummaged through the cupboards and fridge finding the basic ingredients to mac and cheese. Although I had no appetite the growling from my stomach informed me otherwise. Comfort food would do me good to have anyways and possibly make me feel better.Image

As I brushed my teeth I realised that tomorrow I would officially start my legacy. Tomorrow it all changes for good. I peered into the scrappy mirror wondering if the choice I made was the right one. I had to stop thinking of this, it was too late now. I had to bite the bullet and move on. Tomorrow is the start of something new, new life, new city, new me.
It was the Jardin Legacy.Image

Welcome to the Jardin Legacy!

This is my first legacy that I will be blogging.

The Jardin Legacy is following the Random Legacy rules
Basic rules

  • Follow the generation goals you role
  • Boys and girls can become heirs/heiress

I am aiming to post at least one chapter weekly but as I have a holiday soon I shall be posting more regularly! 

Please leave feedback, I am interested to hear what you like and don’t.